Case Study: Jenn Made a Sale a Day for 7 Days After Only 7 Months of Coaching

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hi there and welcome! I recently sat down with one of my clients, Jenn McLean, to discuss a few of her most recent wins and I found her journey with us to be incredibly inspiring. So much so that I thought I would share it with you today!

Jenn worked at a non-profit for 10 years until 2017 when she made a change and started working as a Mortgage Broker. It was the spring of 2020 and Jenn recalls how she began feeling aimless. She was connecting well with her clients and working exceptionally hard, but was always stressed about money. I think this is something a lot of people can relate to.

I’ve often seen salespeople do well for themselves, where they are making a good amount of sales, yet somehow they were always stressed and anxious. If this sounds like you, you'll find inspiration in Jenn’s story and her video interview below.

👇🏼 Watch her interview here 👇🏼

In response to her constant anxiety and overwhelming pressure to earn more money, Jenn participated in two of our Goal Achiever Workshops before she booked a one-on-one call with me. She didn’t feel ready the first time, and I think there’s a lesson there. As salespeople, we need to figure out if the person we’re talking to is ready to take action or not. It’s about intuition and awareness.

You can’t force someone to be ready, but you can guide them in the right direction.

Back to Jenn. She did the call and decided to join the One Sale A Day. From that moment, it took her seven months until she achieved her first One Sale A Day—seven months of ups and downs that forced her to grow tremendously.

It wasn’t always smooth, but Jenn was persistent and she showed willingness, which few do. And because she never settled, her lifestyle completely changed.

She learned a lot, but the biggest impact came from these three things:

1. Learning to relax

Jenn came into the program with a lifetime of anxiety and depression. She was always living in survival mode.

After a few months of working on her mindset, she finally got out of the habit of submitting to chaos. Now she’s living in a state of relaxation and calm. This state allows her to be more creative, which results in faster growth on both a professional and personal level.

According to her, letting go of worry and doubt was the most impactful decision she made—and it totally changed her life.

2. Habits

Jenn was in the habit of reacting to everything and doing a lot of spinning in circles - there was no order to her life. That’s when she realized that she needed to implement healthy habits into her life in order to make space for calm, stillness and happiness.

Some of them were physical and mechanical habits, but most of them were about what was going on in her own life, most of which related to her mindset.

After witnessing how order completely revolutionized her life, she decided to implement the same habits into her work environment. And this was a game-changer!

Her sales approach became highly targeted, greatly successful and exceptionally ordered. All of a sudden the chaos was gone. She knew what she was selling, how she was going to sell it and spoke with such conviction that potential clients had no choice but to be drawn to her energy.

Prior to One Sale A Day, Jenn admittedly had a lot of disorder in her life, and that reflected outside. Chaos does not exist in isolation, it infiltrates various aspects of your life.

I understand this well because I used to have anxiety, too, and it’s incredibly difficult.

However, these two habits have not only helped me, but helped Jenn change the way she goes about her life:

Two habits of mind that she began to implement:

  1. Visualization: Creating a visual image in the mind

  2. Auto-suggestion: Repetition of thoughts and affirmations

Jenn continues to advocate for these two habits as she continues to follow them every single day. She starts her mornings with this practice and it’s the last thing she does at night, and sometimes even during the day.

3. Asking questions

We are often ready to ask others questions, but when was the last time you asked YOURSELF questions? By doing this, Jenn was able to access parts of herself she never knew existed. It also allowed her to choose how she felt about things before immediately reacting.


1. Practice relaxation to bring clarity of mind. Each morning for a week, I encourage you to start your day with at least 15 minutes of meditation. This guided meditation with my mentor, Bob Proctor, has almost nine million views and is a great place to start. Bob also covers visualization in this meditation, which brings me to the next step…

2. Change your habits through visualization and auto-suggestion. Conjure an image in your mind of yourself engaging in three positive habits you’d like to add to your life. Imagine each scenario in as much detail as possible—imagine where you are while you’re practicing this habit, what you need in order to execute, how you feel while you’re doing it, etc. Visualization helps us bring things to life. Do this daily for maximum results.

3. Question yourself to change your paradigms. Our beliefs influence how we think, feel and act. Identify any beliefs that you’d like to incorporate into your habitual thinking that would create positive change—and then ask yourself what you would need to learn in order to incorporate those paradigms into your life. Seek that knowledge daily and you’ll see transformation happen.

Those are the three things that helped Jenn the most since she joined One Sale A Day. And doing these consistently made all the difference when it came to her achieving her first One Sale A Day.

And this is possible for anyone.

So if you want to make more sales, earn more money, and start living the life you want—you can learn more about The One Sale A Day Club right here.

Remember, no matter where you come from or who you are, if you’re persistent and want to make a change—it’s absolutely doable.

All the best,

-Dave Conway


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