Why Self Image Will Increase Your Income

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hi there!

I hope you’re keeping well and actively choosing to remain hyper-focused on achieving every single one of your goals. Recently, I’ve come to realize a persistent theme amongst my clients when it comes to attaining their sales goals. I’ve witnessed, on several occasions, the direct connection between their self-image and how much they make. Interesting, right?

Well, here’s the deal—people are constantly asking me to do workshops on this topic, as it is something relatively vague and hard to grasp in a way that leads to actions. And you already know that I believe in the Law of Action-Attraction, so pondering on this topic was rather inevitable. 

And so, in today’s blog, I’ll be sharing the 3 reasons why self-image will increase your income. Buckle up and get ready to take notes.

👇🏼 Watch the Cooking with Gas episode on this below! 👇🏼

Now before we can fully dive into this topic, it's important that we define self-image. 

This is the image that’s printed in your subconscious mind and it controls every single thing in your life. It’s how you see yourself, and how you see others. It really is as simple as that.

For example, a few years ago I saw myself in a certain light. I was the guy that wore tee shirts and jeans. That was 'me' in my mind and even that seemingly insignificant physical aspect of myself would become reflected in how I behaved, and of course, in how much money I made.

When I started to dress differently, in a more powerful way (from my perspective anyway), I immediately started to earn more. Not everyone gets this, but it’s super effective. But for that to happen, you have to believe it. And don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to dress like me, or follow the things I do to see an improvement. This is a very personal process because it happens inside your mind. For some people, praying the rosary will help them experience a change similar to mine. For others going to the gym might have the same effect. It’s very personal. It has nothing to do with the actual things you’re doing, but it has everything to do with how you perceive those things. You have to make your own belief.

So with that said, let's explore the 3 reasons why self-image will increase your income!

Reason 1 → It’s personal and it can be done by anyone, no matter where you are, where you come from, or how much you make.

It’s easy to assume that we all have to walk the same path when it comes to self-image, but that would only makes us clones. It’s always important to remember that every dream and goal you've ever had was specifically assigned to you for a reason—all you have to do now is claim it. The idea here is to embrace your individuality and find your own personal self-image. One that is intrinsically reflective of the real YOU… The YOU that you have always wanted to become.

Reason 2 → The image you hold in your subconscious mind is controlling your behaviour and what you attract.

You give your subconscious the power to influence your revenue. When you start to change your behaviour, you begin to initiate the process of Action-Reaction, which is a Law of the Universe. And here’s the thing…

When you act differently, you get different results.

If you bump into someone on the street and the first thing you say is, “Watch where you’re going”, then you might end up in a confrontation. However, if the first thing you say is, “I’m sorry”, the situation will change. You still bumped into someone, but this action brought a different reaction. And that’s how it works in sales as well. People are reactive. They react to you at every step of the way.

So you can serve all you want, but if you don’t ask for something they won’t pay. I call this the Mother Teresa syndrome, where salespeople focus all their attention on giving, but almost no attention on actually asking. Trust me, it happens a lot… and unsurprisingly, this is linked to self-image. Self-image also controls how you handle things. Your self-image controls the law of attraction, which is ultimately what you receive. And yet, the reality is that some people are not good at receiving. What happens here is that you get what you mean, and not what you want. 

When I first started, I was attracting the same types of clientele. I was always running into the same kind of person that caused me problems. Once my self-image changed, I instantly saw how my environment changed as well, because in reality what you're doing is you're always attracting certain people. YOU bring them into your life. So make the change! Once you do, you will attract everything you need and you'll start to move up the ladder.

To make it even more clear, let's think of it like this: You cannot outperform yourself, right? You just can’t outperform the image you have of yourself. It’s like knowing that you can only do 10 push-ups no matter how much you work out. You have this as the absolute truth in your mind. Guess what, you’ll never do more than 10. 

That leads us to reason 3 → You can only make as much as you believe you can make. 

It’s really obvious once you start to understand it. But, people come to me all the time asking for sales training, and I happily give them that, however, I also help develop their self-image. It might sound counter-intuitive, but it really is the foundation for success. It’s true that you can shift the way you think inside by taking care of the outside, as I did with the way I dressed, and how I took care of my body—but the big change happens on the inside. Only changing the outside will turn you into a phoney if you’re not working on the inside as well. Eventually, you'll snap right back, 'cause that's who you really are.


The first step on the path to positive self-image is to develop self-compassion. You must dissolve the negative ideas you have about yourself. Work towards self-compassion by offering yourself kindness, forgiveness, and positive self-talk. You can do this using a 1x3 approach. Each day, practice one act of self-kindness, one act of self-forgiveness and one act of encouraging self-talk. You can do something different each day, or you can do the same things daily—as long as you’re doing 1x3 each day. Do this every day until you start to believe, unshakeably, that you deserve the life you desire. If you feel your self-image dipping, reinstate these practices until you’ve corrected your mental course.

So how long does it take to change your self-image in a true way?

Well, I’ve changed my self-image twice thus far, and right now I’m about to change it again. It’s a constant process. Think about how you want to think, how you want to act, how you want to dress, how you want to respond, what habits you want to have, etc. Then you put it in your mind so that you build up physical traits, characteristics, behaviours, attitudes, etc. that resonate from the inside out. 

That's the beauty of life →  we can change. It's so great and so exciting. Most people are terrified to change, but it’s incredible to know that you can always improve and be the person you want to be. It’s mystical stuff in a way, but it really alters reality. If you want to become a world-class salesperson, but in your heart, you're just an average Joe or Jane, you'll never be a world-class salesperson. You've got to become a world-class salesperson in your heart, and that takes time and courage… but it’s 100% worth it. 

Your core is what determines everything. That’s how self-image works. Define your core and it will define your life.

You deserve to claim all of the wins that are waiting for you, and with the correct self-image, you ABSOLUTELY will!

Take a leap of faith today and begin your inner work!

- Dave


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