Case Study: Ayres Drives Total Transformation Personally And For His Sales Team

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hey there!

Today I’d like to share with you the story of Ayres Newsom.

Ayres is living a life he never dreamed possible. He and his wife own a successful insurance company, he lives with purpose and joy, and he holds a belief in himself that is both humble and inspiring. His journey has been filled with adventure, highs and lows, and eventually, the discovery that the key to his success was in his hands all along—he just needed the right mentor to help him get there.

Ayres trained in the Opulent Sales Team Program and it brings me great happiness to share his success story with you today.

👇🏼 Watch his interview here 👇🏼

Ayres knew from a young age that his education would not be traditional. It would not be in a traditional brick and mortar school, in fact, he didn't complete high school. Instead, life became his classroom; working adventurous jobs and living what some might consider an unconventional lifestyle.

By the time Ayres was 33, he had no car, no bank account or credit cards, no cell phone, and all of his belongings fit into a tote bin. While he was happy with the life he had created, he was beginning to feel like there was more he wanted to achieve.

At 40, Ayres began working in sales and found that it was something he not only enjoyed, but something at which he excelled. He found that through his work, he connected with exactly who he was and whom he was meant to be.

Not long after that discovery, a friend of his suggested he connect with me to discuss mentoring. Ayres’ friend was a client of mine who had gone from a 9 to 5 job sitting in a cubicle—all the way to working for himself and turning his annual income into his monthly income—to turning that monthly income into his weekly income.

Ayres decided to take the leap and call me—and according to him, that conversation and his participation in the Opulent Sales Team Program changed his career path and ultimately the way he lived his life.

"It has been my experience that most people expect more in their life. They want an external change, without having any internal change. Dave knows how to build consistency. He holds us to a high standard and demands that we are whom we are meant to be." - Ayres Newsom 

Three key things Ayres learned from the Opulent Sales Team Program:

1. Nature abhors a vacuum

My job as a mentor is to hold people to a standard until they are able to hold themselves to that standard. After going through the Opulent Sales Team Program, Ayres feels compelled to hold himself to that standard and he never waivers.

2. Your pen is a magic wand

The fastest way to get a thought from your mind into the physical world is to write it down. At a young age, Ayres was told by a teacher that he had poor penmanship. He internalized that judgement and from then on he never enjoyed writing. Fast-forward to 2021 and he now writes with intention and considers penmanship to be something of an art form.

3. You must connect to joy and purpose

Those who find the most success from mentoring are those individuals who are heart-centered. Aryes believes that seeing a change in yourself, in your results, and the change in your team and their results is where real joy and purpose are found. He found his raison d’être in helping others succeed.


Let’s take what we’ve learned from Ayres and move into action in your life:

1. Imagine the standards you’d like to reach in your professional endeavors. Write them out and read them aloud daily while you picture yourself at the level you’d like to reach. 

2. Practice slowly writing out a daily intention, each day for a week. Write it many times on the page, slowly and consciously, paying attention to how your writing looks on paper. Take your time and let the act of writing solidify your intentions.

3. Find four images that capture your idea of joy and purpose. Look at them multiple times daily—when you’re in line, waiting for an elevator, any small moment you can spare.

4. Invest in personal development, like Ayres did. He and his team joined the Opulent Sales Team Program which has led to change in his life and the lives of those around him.

Ayres had to conquer his fears and allow his desires and heart-centered goals to direct his life. Many of us experience a battle within us—a battle between our fears and our desires. Fear is meant to protect us, it’s not meant to move us into the part of our lives where we are meant to thrive. Sit with your fear, for a moment, and then move through it, believe that you can move through it.

"Because I believe more, I am becoming more and because of that, I am seeing some phenomenal results—fast." - Aryes Newsom

I’m so proud of Ayres and all he has accomplished. He’s an inspiration and his successes are his to own. If you're ready to follow in Ayres’ footsteps, book a call with me and I can help you take the leap. I’m here to help you become who you are meant to be.

All the best,

- Dave


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