Case Study: Sunni Experienced a 10x in Monthly Income as an Online Coach

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hey there! Dave here. 👋🏼

I don’t often say that someone is cool, but the protagonist of today’s story definitely is! Sunni is an amazing, down-to-earth, fun-to-be-around type of person. She’s a mother of three and her story is not only inspiring—it’s downright cool.

Sunni is a certified life coach, and we met because she was in a Mastermind with a mutual friend of ours. Sunni got into life coaching because she had crippling anxiety. It got to the point where she wasn’t even able to get out of the house. Sunni didn’t want to transfer that onto her kids, so she sought to change her mindset. As you read her story, you’ll see that she was able to do that and more!

👇🏼 Watch her interview here 👇🏼

Sunni saw me speak at an event put on by her Mastermind. She connected with my take on purpose, vision and goal setting, because immediately after she booked a call with me, and from the get-go, everything was incredible. In Sunni’s words:

“I had just gotten certified and I had no idea where I was going… Dave really helped me hone in on that, and he took control of the call and asked the right questions. After our call, I finally felt like I had direction. I didn’t have any belief in myself, but Dave transferred belief to me. He knew that if I listened to what he said, I’d succeed. It took 8 months to take the life coaching certification, and he told me to let go of everything I learned and be open to re-learning.

At the time she was also studying Bob Proctor’s materials, and while she was doing that, she found that the common theme she was drawn to was gratitude. And so, she began applying gratitude throughout every aspect of her life. A year into this practice, she realized she no longer had panic attacks or anxiety. And for her, this happened because she took her mind off of her anxiety. Managing anxiety is personal and complex and may require other treatments and strategies—but gratitude is what helped Sunni most. She focused on a state of gratitude and the transition was subtle but profound.

Gratitude completely changed her life, and she knew she wanted to help teach people how potent thoughts and gratitude are in transforming your life. And that’s what put her on the path that led her to me.

I also used to experience a lot of anxiety and had recurring fear that something would always go wrong. In 2017, I was eroded and completely beaten down by anxiety. I was in terrible shape mentally. For some of us, anxiety is a physical manifestation of fear. It starts in the conscious mind in the form of worry and doubt and it can stem from a lack of confidence. Many people don’t have enough confidence nor faith to go after what they want.

Sunni is living proof of what you can achieve when you jump in with both feet.

She spent eight months of her life and a fair bit of money on her certification and we ended up just scraping the whole thing. And that’s not bad at all, because it was an important learning experience and it opened her eyes to new things. Financially speaking, Sunni used to earn about $1K each month before she began working with me. That obviously changed, and it’s not the only area where she’s made amazing progress.

“Everything that used to be a wish is now happening. I didn’t think I’d ever get on an airplane again because I had anxiety and stress and I couldn’t be in closed spaces. I started working with Dave in November and by January, I was flying across the country and have flown many times since then. I’m writing a book, I developed a coaching program, I increased my income by 10 times. My goal now is to make in a day what I was making before in a month.” - Sunni Lippincott

The takeaway: Life can change for the better no matter who you are!

Three key things Sunni learned from working with our team at Conway Consulting:

1. Be expectant of what you want.

I started to expect the good that I desire. That same week, 10 people reached out to me and someone I knew said that something was different about me” said Sunni. That person noticed Sunni’s shift because the energy she was putting out in the world had changed. It’s all in the mind, after all.

INSPIRED ACTION STEP: Write down three things you want. Beside each of those wants describe what it will feel like once you have them. Go into as much detail as you can conjure. That mental exercise of imagination and expectation will change the energy you emit and will help you attract what you want.

2. You don’t get what you want, you get what you are.

Change your self-image to the person you want to become and success will find you. 

INSPIRED ACTION STEP: Watch this episode of Cooking with Gas, where we dive into why improving your self image will change your income, change the way you see yourself, and ultimately—change your life.

3. Write out your dreams if you want to see them transform into reality.

Get into the habit of writing down what it is that you want. See it, feel it and eventually witness it happen in real life.

INSPIRED ACTION STEP: Describe in writing and/or gather images that represent your dreams. Include anything that represents the life you want to build. Look at those images daily and let them serve as guidance and inspiration on your journey.

It was an absolute pleasure to get to work with Sunni. I have nothing but respect for her and the work she’s doing. The day that Sunni hits $30k per month (if it hasn’t already happened) is coming very soon, that’s for sure!

If you want to have a similar experience, book a 10-minute coaching session with a member of my team and we'll create YOUR quantum leap.

All the best,

- Dave


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