Case Study: 12x Monthly Salary Increase for Karima, a Single Mother of 5

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hey there!

It’s astounding to witness the number of people who believe that there are certain situations in life that can never be changed. They’re stuck in the mindset that you can never make progress if you’re amid a difficult situation. Well, I'd love to introduce those people to Karima Davis.

Karima is a single mother of five who completely revolutionized her own life, situation, and mindset. Her life is a testament to how anyone can achieve their dreams with the right support, resources, and actions.

She actively pursued building a sense of consistency around her revenue—and right now she’s earning more money than she’s ever earned before.

👇🏼 Watch her interview here 👇🏼

When I met Karima, she was not yet in the coaching space, but she had a deep desire to be part of the industry. She worked with another coach before for two years in a program about mindset, marketing, and business. During that time, she learned a lot, but it didn’t take her where she wanted to be. She was stuck in neutral. 

Karima was still scrambling to find her feet and was ultimately forced to dip into her savings as a means of survival and to help fund her own business.

In her words, going through her previous coaching experience versus going through OSAD was like “…teaching a baby the ABCs versus doing a PhD.

Even though she was taught how to do x and y, she didn’t know how to put everything together. Her actions were incredibly mechanical and yielded no results. Income-wise, she had months when she made $0 and other months where she made $500, $1,000 or $2,000… This was not where she wanted to be. Eventually, she came to a point where she ended up taking a full-time job at a school to make ends meet.

Fast forward a few months to when a friend recommended I reach out to Karima—and somehow she knew even before the sales call that she was going to sign up for OSAD.

It’s important to understand that anyone that signs up for OSAD will never be let off the hook. My mentorship is tough as I continue to carve out space for people so that they can ultimately fill it themselves.

Karima had a lot of reasons not to move forward, she dealt with a lot of adversity that she had to overcome. And yet, she continued to self-motivate and strive for EXCELLENCE.  

Her description of OSAD is further proof of this:

“I can’t miss a call because I feel like it’s food for the soul and I learn something new and I take away so many things with each call. I’ve met so many people and it’s so inspiring seeing the growth in the group over the last six months. My growth in just two months was unbelievable—the first time I did $12,000 was crazy.”

In the past, Karima never made more than $6,000 per month.

Now she’s making $12,000 and she can’t go back.

There are 3 things that contributed to her earning this much per month—consistently:

1. Faith

Learning to be very specific about what she wants, having active goals, and continuously reading those goals with emotion. When she really committed to doing that and had faith along with it, everything changed in her life.

2. Perspective

We create our reality from our perspective. We get only what we’re able to see, so changing our perspective also changes what we can achieve. 

3. You don’t get what you want, you get what you are

She started to behave like the person she wanted to become. And her life instantly changed for the better.


1. Take some time in the next 48 hours to get clear on what your goals are. Write them out. They can be anything from life goals, to career goals, to mindset goals—anything that fires you up. Re-read them daily and pause after each reading to conjure faith in yourself and to reflect on the skills you have that will help you achieve those goals.

2. Change your perspective through this simple exercise: In writing, describe in detail the person you imagine achieving the goals you’ve set for yourself. What do they do every day to get themselves there? What does their morning routine look like? What does their free time look like? What do they read? How do they interact with others? Describe them in as great a detail as you can. Can you see yourself in that position?

3. Take the work you did in Step 2 and put those habits and actions into practice in your daily life. Start with the easiest change and go from there. The goal is to become the person you’re writing about—be the person who can achieve your goals.

4. Consider investing in personal development, like Karima did. She joined the One Sale a Day Club (more info here) and changed her perspective and her life forever.

I asked Karima to share one idea with those that might want to join OSAD but are still apprehensive about participating. Here’s what she had to say:

“Do it for yourself, don’t let money or paradigms be an issue. The money is going to come so don’t hesitate because this is life-changing. I’ve never felt so in control in my life. I’m aware now when my frequency is dropping. I’m constantly in the calls, in the masterminds, I’m doing all the things, and this helps me stay grounded. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

I couldn't have said it better myself.

If you're interested in joining OSAD and want to change your life, just like Karima did, you can join the One Sale A Day Club right here.

Remember, no matter where you come from or who you are, if you’re persistent and want to make a change—it’s absolutely doable.

All the best,

-Dave Conway


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