How I Grew My Coaching Business To $100K+ Per Month, Consistently

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Dave Conway, Sales and Mindset Coach

Hi there!

So this is a big one—today I’m sharing my journey to becoming a 7-figure coach, and the sales and mindset formula that forever changed my inner and outer life.

As you read along, you’ll learn how I transformed my entire life one lesson at a time. The journey wasn’t easy and it wasn’t always clear, but the lessons I learned along the way are many and today I’m going to share them with you. Time to get personal.

👇🏼 Watch the Cooking with Gas episode on this below! 👇🏼

Where it all began…

When I was 18, I saw Bob Proctor speak at a live event. That experience and the lessons he taught that day shook me to my core and led me from career uncertainty to building a construction and real estate business. Even though that business was providing for my family, I'll be honest, I always felt I was meant to do something else—like there was something different destined for me.

Many years later, after building my business, I started searching for ways to grow and for my purpose in life.

I came across a copy of Napoleon Hill’s 60-minute recording of Definiteness of Purpose and I probably listened to it 600 times in two years (you can listen here if you’re interested).

One thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to sell. I looked for mentors in real estate, I asked my network questions, I even thought about moving my family to another city to get the work I thought I wanted. After two and a half years of searching, nothing had come clear to me yet.

And then one day, I had an inspired thought—I wonder what Bob is doing? Was he still changing lives like he had mine? I wasn’t finding answers where I was looking and I wondered if Bob could help.

As luck would have it, Bob was holding an event in Los Angeles later that year. I didn't waste any time. I bought tickets and headed off with my wife. That weekend in L.A. turned out to be the most painful weekend of my entire life.

The weekend that changed my life—Bob Proctor and I in Los Angeles, 2017.

The weekend that changed my life—Bob Proctor and I in Los Angeles, 2017.

That weekend, I realized I had been focusing on the outside world to change my financial situation—and that was never going to happen until I changed on the inside. 

For instance, I dubbed 2017 the YEAR OF THE GRIND! And guess what—it was! It wasn't my clients or the economy, IT WAS ME! All these years I thought working harder would solve my problems and take me where I wanted to go, but with the right direction it became so obvious why I was failing—I was used to expecting things to be difficult. 

My thinking was sabotaging my success.  

Not only did that weekend shed light on my mindset problem, it also helped me to discover that my purpose is to expand my own life to help others expand theirs. My purpose is to live and work in an opulent and harmonious environment so I can be of greater service to my family, my friends, my business, my community and therefore—the world.

Once I got clear on what I desired for my life and my family, I launched Conway Consulting.

So there I am, it’s 2017 and I’ve just started a new mindset and sales coaching business. I can be a bit old-school in how I tackle business, so instead of jumping into the online and digital world I started hosting live, in-person workshops.

Leading the Goal Achiever Workshop—Saskatoon, 2019.

Leading the Goal Achiever Workshop—Saskatoon, 2019.

I would run these events every month and release them in batches. Luckily my wife is a marketer and designer, and she would help me launch and spread the word. I would teach the same workshop each time and sometimes I’d sell people into my program and sometimes I wouldn’t.

I was inconsistent.

Early on, there was a woman who had attended four of my live events, and finally after the fifth event I asked her directly, “Are you in or out?” She said she was IN! She committed to a $2,000 investment and joined my coaching program. My sales system worked! Or so I thought…

Within three months of joining my program, she called me kind of shaken up. She said she had just invested in a $15,000 personal development program with someone else after a 30-minute sales call with them!

I congratulated her on investing in herself—but I was also thinking...

“What did that saleswoman know that I don’t?!”

I knew at that moment that I had to learn how to sell.

Having no experience in professional sales and mentoring people. I had to not just acquire a never-fail mindset, but I also had to acquire a tremendous amount of skills that the profession demanded if I wanted to be successful.

Not understanding how to sell was costing me thousands and truly millions of dollars over the course of my life!

I realized I could become a millionaire if I committed to learning how to sell.

That epiphany has changed every area of my life. 

From that moment on, I worked every day to get better at my craft. I had a relentless commitment to learning how to sell, boarding on obsessional. My wife can verify.

I shut down my coaching business and became a consultant with Proctor Gallagher Institute where I was trained and mentored by bestselling author, mentor, and speaker, Bob Proctor.

Working with Bob Proctor—Toronto, 2019.

Working with Bob Proctor—Toronto, 2019.

The next 18 months were the most growth I had experienced in my 35 years of life. In my first month, I earned $800, but I wasn’t there for the money—I was there to learn how to sell. Failure, excuses, and bad attitude were not tolerated by my mentors—and those mentors changed my life. I became one of the top consultants in the organization and was invited to work directly for Bob on his sales and coaching team.

Within one year of working for Bob, I closed over two million in sales and ran more than one thousand sales and coaching calls to clients all over the world. 

After leaving PGI, I went all-in with my coaching business. I created a process that when studied, followed, and applied, will turn you into a master salesperson. A salesperson that can control how much they earn, consistently. I took all my experience and training from working with the best in the industry—and started sharing that with my clients to lead them to perform at their highest level. It's very important to me that my client's win financially from my coaching. I'm obsessed with helping my clients win.

This winning process is one that anyone can follow with the right guidance. These are the Inspired Action Steps I took to consistently earning $100,000+ every month:


The first thing I had to do was learn how to set goals that truly stretch the heck out of me. That demanded me to change. That demanded I reinvent myself. I was so sick of myself and my results. I was ready for a change, and I wanted to change. I was willing to do whatever Bob told me to achieve my dreams.


I had to get real with myself. Someone once said, “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” There was only one thing I needed to free myself from and it was the lies I fed myself, my own BS. I had to become rigorously honest with myself and surround myself with people that would tell me the truth.


I had to create a clear mental picture of the person who was achieving my goals and living the great life that I wanted. I spent hours and hours developing him through writing. I call myself a psychological kleptomaniac, a psychological magpie—I absorb traits I admire in others into my own self-image. That’s part of how I got clear on who I wanted to become.


There is an exact science to selling—the science of selling is based on understanding how the human mind operates. The more I understand myself, the more I understand my prospects. The more direct, honest, and loving I am with myself, the more direct, honest, and loving I am with my prospect.


I had to master my sales presentation. I had to get it so deep into my subjective mind that it became habitual. When I was a carpenter, I could use power tools without a conscious effort, they became extensions of my physical body. Thinking of my sales presentation as my tool, I knew it would make or break my career. I did over 1500 sales calls within two years and when I didn’t have a sales call, I would practice them in my imagination. I conjured an imaginary prospect, Jenny, who bought from me every day. Jenny had the wildest objections, sometimes she was a sweetheart and an ideal client, sometimes she was in a horrible mood with endless walls. But she always bought. She was my best customer. Understanding my customer was the final piece of the process.

BONUS: If you need help with your sales script, download my free Ultimate Sales Script Guidebook here.

To this day, I live and breathe this process. It’s what brought me to earning $100,000+ each month. It’s what has allowed me to live my purpose and has rewarded me with the life I dreamed of. The biggest reward I have found is the freedom from the fear of poverty. I’ve stopped putting money on a pedestal and stopped letting money be the decision-making factor in my life.

The process of learning how to master selling was the process of liberating my mind, and ultimately led me to find the two greatest freedoms in life—freedom of body and freedom of mind, and mastering selling liberated me.

I’ve also scored personal wins like working directly with Bob Proctor, consistently earning $100,000+ monthly as a sales and mindset coach and providing more for my family, friends, and community. Everyday I’m working towards earning true time freedom, having a positive and greater impact on the world, and living the great life by continuing to invest, building my dream home, buying a vacation property and getting my dream car.

Still on the journey—Saskatoon, 2021.

Still on the journey—Saskatoon, 2021.

Through this journey, I was able to transform my inner and outer life. I now know that we can create the life we want in a relatively short period of time if we have a strong enough desire and are willing to follow the lead of those that have gone before. The lessons I learned from this experience are too many to count but the biggest lesson is this one: I can achieve anything I focus my mind on. 

Here’s to living your purpose and the life you’ve always dreamed of!

- Dave

P.s. What to learn my 7-figure framework to growing your coaching business? Register for your FREE seat to my upcoming workshop: How to Become a 7-Figure Coach! Learn more right here.


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